Kindle Secrets: How To Write a Best Selling eBook In 72 hours
Kindle Secrets: How To Write a Best Selling eBook In 72 hours
Learn the amazing financial and professional opportunity of Amazon Kindle
Correctly identifying the most profitable and suitable niche for you
Learn how easy and simple it is to publish and make $10,000 on Kindle
Researching and using your competitors to your advantage
How to write a perfect Kindle Title
How to create a perfect Kindle Cover
Exact blueprint to put together a 5 star quality book in just 72 hours!
How to optimize your content for increased sales
How to format your ebook suitable for Amazon Kindle
How to navigate Amazon and list your book
Using super effective KDP Marketing tools to create a Best Seller
This course includes:
>3.5 hours on-demand video
>4 articles
>1 downloadable resource
>Access on mobile and TV
>Full lifetime access
>Certificate of completion